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What do the different saving modes mean?

The ClipAI provides different modes for saving text files. This article will focus on those in the Output Data tab, for .txt files. You can also save to the browser-based HTML page format ­ to Word documents (doc/docx).

1. All executions with one request - into one file.

In this case, written articles are saved in separate files, with a name equal to the title of each article. However, in case the article title or key is completely repeated twice, such articles will be written to one file.


Entry titles Output files
Title 1

Title 2

Title 1

Title 1.txt

Title 2.txt.

2. Each request - to a separate file.

If this mode of operation is selected, each article (and even articles with matching titles) will be saved to a separate file. However, since there cannot be two files with the same name in one folder, the file name will be added to the will be added a random number.


Entry titles Output files
Title 1

Title 2

Title 1

Title 1_135466446.txt

Title 2_849027586.txt

Title 1_739468230.txt

3. Requests in one execution to one file.

In this preservation mode, all of the following are specified within the single execution article titles will be saved to the same file. The output file name will contain the date it was saved, as well as a random number.


Entry titles Output files
Title 1

Title 2

Title 1


4. Requests in one execution - to one file (with the name of the input file).

In this mode, all articles from single file in the input are saved to a single file in the output. Accordingly, if you specify several files with names at the input, there will be several files at the output. In this case, the name of the output file will correspond to the name of the input file.


Entry titles Output files
(all the names on the input were in the file "File.txt")

Title 1

Title 2

Title 1


Note that some of these modes also apply to automatic publishing (e.g., in the WordPress, Telegraph, or HTML file). For example, in the "Each request - to a separate file" mode, one article will be published for each written topic, and in the "Requests in one execution - to one file" mode, one article will be published at once with all the input topics or keys.