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How to change the text of a published ClipAI page in Telegraph? | How to log into an existing Telegraph account?

Here we will look at how to edit an article written by ClipAI and published in the Telegraph. Examples will be given for the Google Chrome browser.

This will take about 2 minutes.. You only need to do these steps once, after which you can edit any of your entries. without the need for repetition the actions below, even if you closed the browser.

1. Right-click on the line with ClipAI - "Project Directory".

2. Go to the path "\bin\telegraph". Here you will find a text file. Open it and copy its contents.

3. Go to the page Google in the Chrome browser Telegraph. Then press F12 -> click on "Application" at the top - select "Cookies" on the left - "". Then be sure to reload the page without closing the window on the right. After that, it should look something like this:

Cookies window in Google Chrome on

4. If you already have a field named “tph_token” (not “tph_uuid”), simply replace its value with the one copied in step 2.
If it is not there, double-click under "tph_uuid" and enter "tph_token". Double-click in the "Value" column of the created row and paste the value copied in step 2. Then double-click in the "Domain" column and enter "". It should look something like this:

Added Cookie string for Telegraph service

5. Now you can go to the page you want to edit. The "EDIT" button will appear on the right. When you click on it, you will be able to edit the post.

If you need to log in to a previously created Telegraph account, you need:

  1. Follow step 3 in the instructions above, then copy the value of "tph_token"
  2. Publish at least one article in ClipAI, specifying in the "Publication" tab the data that matches your account
  3. Follow steps 1 and 2 in the instructions above, replacing the contents of the file with the value “tph_token”.

All subsequent articles will be published under your account.