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Text style

In this parameter you can specify the text style in which the article will be written. Available to choose from:

  • At the discretion of the AI
  • Creative
  • First person
  • Professional
  • Humorous
  • Mentoring
  • Emoji
  • Ironic
  • Jocular
  • Reasoned
  • Admired
  • Critical
  • Enthusiastic
  • Emotional
  • Neutral
  • Interrogative
  • Advisory
  • Your own style

There are only two nuances in this parameter:

  1. If you select several styles at the same time, one random one from your selection will be used before writing each article.
  2. When choosing "Your own style“You must enter the style you need in the input field below, “Custom text style.” And vice versa: when entering information in this field, do not forget to turn on “Text Style” - “Custom Style”.

In “Custom Style” you need to write instructions that the AI must additionally carry out. For example, “Be sure to write the article from the perspective of someone who is well versed in the topic.”.