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Brief information about operating modes

General questions about the “Writing an Article” mode >>

Writing an article (better quality for short articles) — The simplest mode of writing articles. You need to indicate only the title of the article, without any instructions. ClipAI will send the AI the title of the article with all the instructions. If there are not enough characters, an improved analogue of the “Continue” request is sent. Best suited for short articles: In long articles, using this mode can have a lot of logical repetition.

Writing an article (with sections, for large articles) - Improved way of writing articles. At the entrance, you still only need to indicate the title of the article. However, during the work (as opposed to writing short articles) ClipAI first generates an article outline and then immediately writes an article according to this outline. In this case, many parameters are set automatically, after careful analysis of the text. That is why for articles with more than ~2000-3000 characters it is recommended to use this mode rather than the previous one.

Writing an article according to our plan — the same as the 'Writing an article (with sections, for large articles)' mode, but the article will be written according to the plan that is specified at the input. It is necessary to write in the following format:

Title of the article
First element of the plan
Second element of the plan

In this case, the title of the article should not contain any HTML tags, and plan elements may contain h-tags. If you want to specify h-tags, they must be entered in the format:


Rewrite — Changing a ready-made article at the input so that some of the words are replaced with synonyms. Depending on the selected degree of rewriting in the “Processing” tab, the approach changes: for example, with “High” text uniqueness, sentences can also be swapped (without loss of meaning).

Antidetect+Uniqueness — Increasing the uniqueness of already written text, as well as various improvements so that other services do not recognize the text as written using AI. Before using this mode, try generating an article with “Simplified antidetect” enabled in the “Processing” tab. Perhaps the result will suit you much better: a simplified antidetect does not distort the meaning of the text, does not change the article visually, and works much faster.

Generating the program code — Generating program source code according to specified conditions.

Generating reviews — Generating text for reviews or comments. At the input - an article that needs to be commented on, or a description of something that needs to be reviewed. Please note: if you need to write reviews on your WordPress site, you do not need this mode, but the “Write comments for article” option in the “Publish” tab.

Creating ideas for articles — Creating article titles, ideas for something, and so on. The input could be, for example, a keyword, a general idea, a year, etc.. Useful if you need to write hundreds of articles on some general topic, but slightly different topics.

Generating images — Creation of images. At the entrance, just indicate what should be depicted on them.

Translator — Very high quality translation from one language to another. The output language is indicated in the “Processing” tab. There is no need to specify the language at the input: the AI will determine it on its own.

Custom template — Indicate to the bot yourself (in the “Processing” -> “Text of your template” tab) what needs to be done with the specified text. For example, if you specify the names of hundreds of books in the “Input Data” tab, and in the “Processing” tab you enter “Write a review of a book specified by the user,” a review will be written for each book in the input.

RAW mode — entering requests to the bot indicating the required algorithm of actions. For example, unlike the above mode, here you will need to enter “Write a review of a book with the title (...)” in each line.

Send a report to the developer — Use this mode if you have any problems while running the program. After launching in this mode, a report on the latest runs will be sent to the developer. If necessary, you can indicate your comment and attach the necessary files to the report.