ClipAI - Knowledge Base (FAQ)
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How to automatically attach links to certain anchors in an article? (Linking)

ClipAI has a feature that will help owners of PBN networks and websites: automatic addition of anchors and links to AI-generated text.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you only need to add the appropriate parameters directly to the title of the articles. For example, you have the following lines (titles of articles) in the input file:

Which company created ChatGPT?
What's the best way to fill articles on a website?

You just need to add parameters ancor And ancorURL:

Which company created ChatGPT?;ancor=OpenAI;ancorURL=
What's the best way to fill articles on a website?;ancor=ClipAI;ancorURL=

After this, ClipAI will automatically make several changes:

  • Content ancor will be added to all requests to AI within the current article, as keyword, which must be used.
  • Every time you meet ancor in the article, the “a href” parameter will add a link to the site located in ancorURL;
  • If within the article it is never found ancor (which is extremely rare), it will be embedded at the end of a random non-blank paragraph.

There are also other parameters that can be entered directly in the input file: for example, site ­ cat. You will find detailed information about them in the input settings - the “Input Data” tab, right under the large input field.