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“Too many API requests per minute. We wait 20 seconds and try again.”

Please note: this message is not an error. After this message in the log, ClipAI only waits 20 seconds before sending the next request to the AI, without interrupting the writing of the text.

This notification occurs if the maximum number of requests per minute to the AI is exceeded. Current information on limits can be found at OpenAI official website (here it is worth looking at the number of RPM (attempts per minute) and RPD (attempts per day)); and for Google Gemini - on the corresponding page. Other services also usually indicate on their website information about account limits.

Accordingly, to prevent this notification from recurring, you usually need to do one of the following:

  1. Reduce the number of threads (if you are using multithreading).
  2. Top up the account of the AI service you are using.
  3. Add an additional API key in the mode of obtaining a key from a file.