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What is Telegraph? How does this service help in SEO?

Telegraph — is a platform (blog service) for publishing texts and articles, created by Telegram developers. It allows users to create and distribute content quickly and easily. Registration is not required, but it adds additional features: for example, the ability to edit already written articles. ClipAI will register an account with the data you specified automatically at the very first publication.

Telegraph has the following advantages:

  1. The Telegraph publishes frequently are indexed quickly search engines.
  2. It is possible to create and publish content even if you do not have a website, domain or hosting.
  3. Telegraph posts can contain links to your main site, which can improve its authority and search engine rankings. You can include it in your profile or in the text itself. These links are active, and do not have "nofollow" or "noindex" tags.
  4. The URL of the created entry is approximately equal to its name (“user-friendly URL”).
  5. Content created in Telegraph integrates perfectly with Telegram when sending a link to an article in the messenger; quick viewing is available.
  6. The design is minimalistic: apart from the article you wrote, there will be practically no other elements on the page. It is also optimized for mobile devices. There are no ads on the pages.

There are also some minor disadvantages:

  1. There is a limit on the maximum size of each article. It is 64 kilobytes. That is, for example, for English it is about 50 thousand characters, and for Russian - about 10 thousand characters.
  2. Recently, it has become impossible to upload images directly to the service. However, you can first upload the image to any free photo hosting service, and then embed it in the post. This can be done both manually, through the platform interface, and automatically through ClipAI.
  3. Tables cannot be embedded.